Erica Bell

I am a Special Education K-6 major at the University of South Alabama.

What Teaching Means to Me

Teaching is a life, not just a job. I want to give the children I teach every opportunity I can. No matter where they are from, or where they are at intellectually every student deserves to have a chance to become something. As a teacher I have the chance to make a difference. I have never wanted to sit behind a desk and just go along in life not making a difference and not affecting anybody’s life positively and for the better everyday. So as a teacher I could teach and grow these students to be smart respectful teenagers and adults. I could make a impact in their lives!

Why I Want to Teach K-5

I am a Special Education Major K-6. I believe that elementary students are the ones you can mold and create a want to learn. So many students do not want to learn. I believe that is fault of their past teachers. I have always had the passion to want to learn and be my best and I truly believe it was because of the amazing elementary teachers that took the time to invest their passion in me. Early elementary as in K-5 is when the students learn the most important things in education as in the Alphabet, basic math, and creating sentences. They also learn the respect and the drive to do great then if they are taught the right way.

Special Education Children

Special education students may have a disability but they can work past it. With the right motivation and drive a special education student can do just as well or better as a regular student. So many teachers and parents like to treat these students as babies, this only handicaps them more. So as a special education teacher I will be teaching elementary that it when I can put it in their mind that they can be just as smart and successful as other students. This is also the time to teach parents how to give their children a chance to make something of themselves.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Opening Students Minds

Teaching opens so many windows and doors to the mind. There are so many different places and ideas in the world that people do not open their mind to. So in my classroom I want to open my children’s minds to the wonders of the world. I want them to get out of their comfort zones and allow their mind to wonder. in the south we tend to be close minded what our parents taught is what is true, but so much more exploration and scientific works have been done to prove what our parents thought were true to be false. I want my students to know there is a world beyond their city. Where there are beautiful lakes, oceans, sculptures, and mountains.

Other then them opening their minds I want them to be open to new teaching methods. Such as going outside instead of sitting inside, or open to going on the computer instead of reading a book. So many different things and shame on us for not sharing!

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